High Frequency Trading, “Dark Pools”, and Large Energy Price Shocks (read: war in the Gulf)

About 32 percent of all stock trades in the US stock markets are being done “off market” in “dark pools” and other confidential “trading platforms”. Trading on well-known markets such as the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ has been… Continue Reading

Shadow Banking and War with Iran

Shadow banks may control about 25 to 30 percent of the world’s financial system. They may be about 50 percent of all banking assets in the world. I say may in both of those sentences because it is hard to… Continue Reading

Bahraini Repression Amidst a Failing Strategy

via IPS News This week’s decision by the Bahraini court of appeals to uphold the prison terms against Bahraini opposition activists is a travesty of justice and an indication that Bahraini repression continues unabated. Bahraini officials, when confronted with angry… Continue Reading

Israel and Iran: A Lesson from a “Dispute-Resolution-Game”

Recent news out of Israel prompts me to write briefly about a recent experience. Three weeks ago I was asked to serve as an adviser to the participants in a dispute-resolution exercise at a British academy. The focus of the exercise… Continue Reading