How Assassination Sold Drugs and Promoted Terrorism

by Andrew Cockburn As the war on terror nears its 14th anniversary — a war we seem to be losing, given jihadist advances in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen — the U.S. sticks stolidly to its strategy of “high-value targeting,” our… Continue Reading

Drones and COIN, Post-Petraeus

By Paul Mutter In what is sure to be one of the most glaringly obvious headlines written about the General Petraeus-Paula Broadwell affair, the Washington Post writes: “Petraeus hoped affair would stay secret and he could keep his job as… Continue Reading

Some Preliminary Questions about the Alleged Iranian Terror Plot

Update: I was interviewed on FAIR’s Counterspin radio show about this on October 13. I come in around the 15 minute mark. Earlier today the FBI issued a press release stating that two Iranian men have been criminally charged in… Continue Reading

EXCLUSIVE: DOD ‘Proteus Management Group’ Cultivated Islamophobic Training Materials

Reposted by arrangement with Think Progress Reports that FBI counterterrorism training programs relied heavily on Islamophobic material has sent shockwaves through the FBI and the Department of Justice. Wired’s Spencer Ackerman has closely followed the influence of FBI trainer William… Continue Reading