An Order That Will Increase Terrorism

by Paul R. Pillar Donald Trump’s efforts, during his first week in office, to give substance to his campaign rhetoric have involved executive orders that have generated reactions ranging from bemusement over their vagueness to worried waiting for other shoes… Continue Reading

Trump and May: A New Special Relationship?

by Robert E. Hunter “Special relationship” is used so often to describe Anglo-American ties that it has long since become a cliché. But it still has force, reflecting not just tangible interests but the intangibles of culture, history, and shared… Continue Reading

Who Will Rule Trump Foreign Policy?

by Jim Lobe The most frightening commentary I’ve read in the run-up to the inauguration—and there have been many—appeared in a column identifying the four people whose foreign policy ideas were likely to be most influential with the then-president-elect. It… Continue Reading

The Sayings of President Trump

by Robert E. Hunter Words matter. This is especially so when uttered by the president of the United States on foreign policy and national security and with an attentive foreign audience. As in ordinary life, some things, once said, can’t… Continue Reading