Inside the Devastation of America’s Drone Wars

by Pratap Chatterjee In a trio of recent action-packed movies, good guys watch terrorists mingling with innocent women and children via real-time video feeds from halfway across the world. A clock ticks and we, the audience, are let in on… Continue Reading

Principle and Pragmatism, Here and Abroad

by Paul R. Pillar In a story out of Tehran, President Hassan Rouhani, who in the Iranian political context merits the labels “reformist” and “moderate”, is being pushed by others in the reformist camp who believe he has not been… Continue Reading

The New Normal in U.S.-Saudi Relations

by Perry Cammack and Richard Sokolsky Next week’s U.S.-GCC summit in Riyadh is the last opportunity for the Obama administration to recalibrate the U.S.-Saudi relationship. While officially a multilateral summit between the United States and the six Gulf monarchies, all eyes… Continue Reading