Iran’s Anti-Semitism: Irrational or Irrelevant?

by Ali Gharib Last week, the journalist Jeffrey Goldberg published an interview with President Obama. It’s a fascinating read, and Goldberg’s write-up as well as the full transcript are entirely worth your time. The interview focuses on Obama’s Middle East policies and,… Continue Reading

Congress Votes on Iran

by Lara Friedman [As we have over the past few months, LobeLog is posting (long) excerpts from the Legislative Round-up published weekly when Congress is in session by the inimitable Lara Friedman of Americans for Peace Now about what Congress is… Continue Reading

Neocons vs. Neocon on Iran

by Ali Gharib Maybe I spoke too soon when I declared the fight over the new Iran bill wending its way through Congress as one between hard-line neoconservatives and AIPAC. The broad outlines of what I wrote remain true—everything from… Continue Reading

Following the Money: The New Anti-Semitism?

by Jim Lobe and Charles Davis  In the 1976 docudrama about the Watergate affair and the fall of Richard Nixon, All the President’s Men, Bob Woodward’s source at the FBI, Deep Throat, tells him to “follow the money.” To the… Continue Reading