How Neocons Helped Create Trump

by Jim Lobe Prominent neoconservatives, led by Bill Kristol, have played leading roles in trying to block Trump’s nomination or repeal it somehow. They’ve lined up fellow-neocons to sign letters opposing his election and/or declining to serve under him should… Continue Reading

Bret Stephens’s Racist “Olfactory Element”

by Eli Clifton Yesterday, Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens attempted to denounce Egyptian judoka Islam El Shehaby’s refusal to shake hands with an Israeli opponent after losing his judo match at the Rio Olympics. Shehaby’s conduct violated both the… Continue Reading

The Revolt against the Elite

by John Feffer You know you’re a wonk when your nighttime reading is as thick as the latest Stephen King novel, but no one in your family is clamoring to borrow your doorstop. Consider, for instance, the Iran nuclear agreement.… Continue Reading

The Exceptional But Fragile American Democracy

by Paul R. Pillar Efforts to export American-style liberal democracy to foreign lands have bumped up against the fact that the successful working of such democracy depends on habits and attitudes that are rarer than most Americans think and that… Continue Reading