A Dangerous Gulf in the Horn: How the Inter-Arab Crisis is Fueling Regional Tensions

by International Crisis Group The Gulf crisis and the scramble for military outposts in the Horn of Africa are exacerbating regional tensions that risk triggering a conflict. In this Q&A, Crisis Group’s Horn of Africa Project Director Rashid Abdi untangles… Continue Reading

Environmental Change: An Overlooked Threat Multiplier in Mali

by Anna Cizek In the first decade of the 21st century, al-Qaeda faced a deteriorating support base because of its role in the deaths of many innocent Muslims. As a result, Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri (now al-Qaeda’s leader) directed the… Continue Reading

Macron’s Fight Against Radical Militants in Mali

by Giorgio Cafiero On July 2, France along with five African states – Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, Mali, and Mauritania – launched a multinational force to confront al-Qaeda offshoots and other militant extremists in the volatile Sahel. President Emmanuel Macron… Continue Reading

Trump: The Hunger President

by John Feffer One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. The quote comes from Stalin. The policy comes from Donald Trump. Trump famously changed his policy on Syria after seeing photographs of a couple Syrian children… Continue Reading