Obama’s Leadership and the New Framework Agreement with Iran

by Robert E. Hunter Well, Obama did it. Or, rather, President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, the other members of the P5+1 (the UN Security Council members, Germany, plus the EU)—and let us not neglect Iran— have done… Continue Reading

Too Clever by Half: Netanyahu Strengthens Obama’s Hand

by Robert E. Hunter When the British say that someone is “too clever by half,” they are not paying a compliment. This week, that expression can be applied to the thrice-and-future prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. He will almost… Continue Reading

The Broader Implications of the Debate over Ukraine

by Robert E. Hunter This Monday, President Barack Obama met for six hours with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The number one issue was what to do about Russian aggression against Ukraine. The result was an agreement between the American and… Continue Reading