Is this the real Gaza ceasefire?

by Mitchell Plitnick Israel and Hamas have agreed to another ceasefire, and there seems to be some sense that this one will last. The terms of the agreement leave many issues up in the air, which tends to work strongly in Israel’s… Continue Reading

A Proposed UNSC Ceasefire Plan For Gaza

by Mitchell Plitnick The attempt to resolve the ongoing, albeit highly uneven, exchange of fire between Israel and Gaza has now reached the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The draft proposal, initially pushed by the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, bears… Continue Reading

Israeli Democracy Evaporates While Gaza Burns

by Mitchell Plitnick At what point is it legitimate and even necessary to dismiss the will of the people in the interest of peace and justice? This is a vexing question when it comes to Israel. The latest edition of… Continue Reading

Egypt’s Gaza Truce Proposal: What Does it Mean?

by Mitchell Plitnick According to reports, Egypt has given both Israel and Hamas a take-it-or-leave-it plan for ending the current round of violence. It bears examination, not only for its intrinsic worth, but also for the implications it holds. As… Continue Reading

Framing the Gaza Narrative

by Mitchell Plitnick With US bombs dropping on Iraq once again and Israeli troops having moved out of Gaza, the fighting between Hamas and Israel has faded a bit from the headlines. But the battle to dominate the narrative of the 2014 Gaza… Continue Reading