The Exceptional But Fragile American Democracy

by Paul R. Pillar Efforts to export American-style liberal democracy to foreign lands have bumped up against the fact that the successful working of such democracy depends on habits and attitudes that are rarer than most Americans think and that… Continue Reading

The Failed Coup and Turkey’s Gulenist Predicament

by Omer Taspinar Now that the dust is settling in Turkey, the magnitude of the damage to what is left of Turkish democracy is becoming clearer. As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan strangely admitted on the night of July 15… Continue Reading

UANI Principals Tied to Target of Money Laundering Investigation

by Eli Clifton One of the key groups opposing the P5+1’s nuclear diplomacy with Iran is the mysterious pressure group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI). Headed by George W. Bush administration diplomat Mark Wallace, UANI is largely funded by precious… Continue Reading

Time to Retire the Nuclear Football

by Diana Ohlbaum Speculation about whether Donald Trump can be trusted with his finger on the nuclear “button”, should he be elected president, is a reminder that the world’s survival rests on a hair trigger. Contrary to popular belief, there… Continue Reading

The Itch to Escalate the Syrian Civil War

by Paul R. Pillar The complicated, multidimensional nature of the Syrian civil war continues to discourage clear thinking in debate about U.S. policy toward Syria. The involvement in the conflict of multiple protagonists who are each anathema to the American… Continue Reading