No Lone Rangers in Drone Warfare

by Pratap Chatterjee The myth of the lone drone warrior is now well established and threatens to become as enduring as that of the lone lawman with a white horse and a silver bullet who rode out into the Wild… Continue Reading

The Future of Saudi-Iranian Relations Will Be Written in Oil

by Henry Johnson Saudi Arabia’s cantankerous objections to nuclear talks with Iran have run counter to U.S. goals and have left some puzzled over the cause of its combative behavior. A deal with Iran, of course, means much more than… Continue Reading

Srebrenica Could Have Been Prevented

by Robert E. Hunter This Saturday, we remember the slaughter at the Bosnian Moslem enclave at Srebrenica, 20 years ago. Bosnian Serb forces under the command of Ratko Mladi? systematically murdered at least 8,000—probably more—men and boys. Mladi? acted undoubtedly… Continue Reading

The Islamic State and Afghanistan

by Fatemeh Aman As Afghanistan continues its slide into fertile ground for the Islamic State (ISIS or IS), the spokesperson for the governor of the Pakistani border province of Nangarhar confirmed to the BBC on July 6 that drone attacks… Continue Reading