Netanyahu Ad Funded by Hawkish Advocacy Group

Politico has the scoop on an expensive advertisement funded by a mideast-focused hawkish advocacy group featuring an aggressive speech that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made on Sept. 11. The ad is scheduled to air in several cities in Florida tomorrow, where… Continue Reading

Iran and Iraq: history repeating?

The Washington Post columnist Walter Pincus derives lessons for handling Iran’s nuclear program from a declassified CIA report on its misreading of Saddam Hussein and his nuclear program — the WMD elements of which were destroyed in 1995: Has Iran’s original… Continue Reading

Memo to Romney: Iran’s nuclear program has nothing to do with dirty bombs

Joe Cirincione, the President of the nuclear non-proliferation-focused Ploughshares Fund, explains why Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney “further undermined his national security credentials, showing a fundamental misunderstanding of nuclear threats” with remarks he made during a private fundraising dinner in May.… Continue Reading

Let’s All, For a Moment, Remember Bibi’s Wisdom on Iraq 10 Years Ago

by Jim Lobe As usual, Paul Pillar hits the mark in his latest blog post at the National Interest in asking “Why are the Neocons Still Around?”, suggesting that when you are responsible for “one of the biggest and costliest… Continue Reading

Under-reported: Iran’s stockpile of 20 percent-enriched uranium has decreased

The Arms Control Association’s Greg Thielmann notes that there was a decrease in Iran’s stockpile of 20 percent-enriched uranium, as indicated by the latest International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) report about Iran’s nuclear program, but did you know that? The P5+1… Continue Reading