ISIS Improves Hezbollah’s Standing

by Aurélie Daher When protests began in Syria against Bashar al-Assad’s regime in 2011, the leadership of Lebanon’s Hezbollah did not play for time. It immediately and officially announced that it preferred the current regime but also encouraged both Assad… Continue Reading

Seven Worst-Case Scenarios in the Battle with the Islamic State

by Peter Van Buren You know the joke? You describe something obviously heading for disaster — a friend crossing Death Valley with next to no gas in his car — and then add, “What could possibly go wrong?” Such is the… Continue Reading

Keeping the ISIS Challenge in Perspective

by Wayne White Once again American observers are outbidding each other over how serious a threat the Islamic State (ISIS or IS) poses. Recent IS gains in Iraq heightened Washington’s concern, causing President Obama to huddle with coalition defense ministers.… Continue Reading

Syria & the West: Defining Moment Looming

by Wayne White The outcome of the struggle now playing out over whether to smite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime militarily for its purported use of chemical weapons could define the future of the conflict within Syria more broadly. Much… Continue Reading