Neoconservatives Dust Off “Appeasement” Argument

A familiar neoconservative talking point reared its head again yesterday. Jonathan Tobin, the executive editor of Commentary magazine, attacked the P5+1’s outreach to Tehran and their renewed interest in reviving the Geneva nuclear fuel swap proposal as “appeasement.” He wrote:… Continue Reading

Reactions to Michael Oren’s ‘Warning to American Jews’

At three synagogues in the D.C. area, Israeli ambassador to Washington Michael Oren used Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, to deliver the same speech three times. The overwhelming thrust of the speech, according to several commentators of various… Continue Reading

Costs of Sanctions Could Trigger “Military Option”

As the U.S., British and French UN envoys call for expediting the process to set up  a UN panel to monitor Iran’s compliance with sanctions, neoconservatives in Washington are increasingly focusing their attention on the countries which continue to trade with… Continue Reading

Rubin wants to “Forget the ‘peace process'” and Bomb Iran Already

In September 2008, The Bipartisan Policy Center issued a report analyzing the Iranian nuclear program and offering recommendations for the U.S. strategic response. This neoconservative “roadmap to war,” as Jim Lobe referred to the report authored by numerous neocons and (troublesomely)… Continue Reading