ECI blasts Dem Sens and AIPAC for Supporting START

Where does the  Emergency Committee for Israel get off complaining that AIPAC shouldn’t support New START because it’s outside of the “pro-Israel” purview? Who knows. But that’s exactly what they did. ECI, the partisan “pro-Israel” group set up by Bill Kristol,… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for November 24, 2010: The Washington Times: Ben Birnbaum reports that a leaked International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN’s nuclear watchdog, indicates that Iran’s nuclear program “experienced a one-day shutdown last week, indicating… Continue Reading

START for Israel; START against Iran

Earlier today on National Review‘s The Corner blog, Foundation for Defense of Democracies head honcho Cliff May wrote: I’m now hearing from more than one source on the Hill that the Obama administration has just added a new argument in favor… Continue Reading