Times Finally Realizes: Netanyahu Doesn’t Care What Obama Thinks

by Lisa Goldman The New York Times editorial board has realized, about a decade too late, that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not care what the Obama administration — or any U.S. administration, for that matter — thinks about his policies… Continue Reading

West Bank Home Demolitions Hit 10-year High

by Natasha Roth Israeli authorities have demolished more Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank thus far in 2016 than in any other calendar year in the last decade, according to data provided by Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem Wednesday and statistics… Continue Reading

Draft Republican Platform Effectively Calls for Annexation of Area C of West Bank

by Chuck Spinney The so-called two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in my opinion, has always been a distraction to buy time for the Israelis to formally annex most of the West Bank to Israel.  Much like Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights,… Continue Reading

Understanding EU Labeling Regulations

by Mitchell Plitnick Recently, the European Union implemented a procedure for enforcing existing regulations requiring the labeling of some goods produced in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Israel has vociferously objected to any labeling of products from its… Continue Reading

An Early Look at Bibi’s Surprise Victory

by Mitchell Plitnick It’s been about six hours since the polls closed in Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has scored a dramatic victory, far outpacing the pre-election and exit polls. The consequences for Israelis, Palestinians, and the rest of… Continue Reading