Armenian Settlements: Occupied Territory or Homeland?

by Joshua Kucera When Alexander Kananyan moved to Kelbajar in 2000, it was “completely destroyed,” he recalls. There was no electricity or telephone service, and he had to walk up to 40 kilometers to catch any sort of transportation. But… Continue Reading

Israel: On the Way to a Theocratic State

by Israel Rafalovich Israel is facing a rise in the influence of ultra-orthodox Jews. Their effort to impose their strictly conservative worldview has led to growing tensions with the country’s secular society. Radical rabbis are expanding their influence particularly when… Continue Reading

The Real Impact of UN Resolution 2334 Has Yet to Come

by Shemuel Meir UN Security Council resolution 2334 caught Prime Minister Netanyahu off guard. Out of the clear blue sky. From a territorial perspective, which is the heart of 2334, the Security Council resolution represents an escalation in the way… Continue Reading