NATO—America’s Misguided Instrument of Leadership

by Graham E. Fuller On the world scene, America is a declining power. This decline is in part domestic and self-inflicted, reflecting a certain weariness and neglect of our social order. No amount of huffing and puffing from politicians will… Continue Reading

A Real “Political Revolution” Would End the War in Iraq

by Peter Certo These days, Bernie Sanders doesn’t say much about the Middle East. But if you’ve heard him say nothing else on the subject, he’s probably reminded you that he — unlike a certain former secretary of state —… Continue Reading

How to Avert Real Change in Election 2016

by Andrew Bacevich To judge by the early returns, the presidential race of 2016 is shaping up as the most disheartening in recent memory. Other than as a form of low entertainment, the speeches, debates, campaign events, and slick TV… Continue Reading