Opaque Strategy and U.S. Troops in Eastern Europe

by Paul R. Pillar  U.S. military deployments to Eastern Europe are being ramped up. The latest word as reported by the Wall Street Journal is that regular rotation of brigade-size forces, with the most modern equipment, will bring a de facto… Continue Reading

Playing Poker with One Card

by Payman Shamsian The number of registered refugees in Turkey has exceeded three million, which makes it the largest sanctuary in the world. This number is terrifying, not only for human rights organizations or Turkey’s government, but also for European leaders.… Continue Reading

Turkey, Kurds, and the US

by Robert Olson There is no question that tensions between Turkey and the US have increased substantially as a result of differences over to what degree the US is supporting the Syrian Kurdish nationalist Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its armed affiliate, the People’s… Continue Reading

Aleppo and 1914

by Paul R. Pillar The centenary in 2014 of the outbreak of World War I elicited comparisons between the circumstances of the European crisis that touched off that horrendous conflict and conditions that surround current international conflicts. Many such comparisons… Continue Reading