How the Private Sector Supports Authoritarians in the Arab World

by Charles W. Dunne When the global resilience of authoritarianism and its causes are considered, the role played by governments, leaders, and international organizations and their policies in confronting or abetting dictatorships worldwide is often the focus of discussion. President… Continue Reading

Has the Arms Industry Captured Trump’s Pentagon?

by Mandy Smithberger and William D. Hartung The way personnel spin through Washington’s infamous revolving door between the Pentagon and the arms industry is nothing new. That door, however, is moving ever faster with the appointment of Patrick Shanahan, who… Continue Reading

Weapons in Space: Potential Gift to Contractors, Definite Danger to Security

by William D. Hartung The Pentagon’s new Missile Defense Review has been rightly criticized for being dangerous, unworkable, and unaffordable. Or, as Newsweek’s headline on the topic put it, “Trump’s Space Missile Plan Is Too Expensive and Will Not Work,… Continue Reading