Bibi Comes Calling:  What President Obama Needs to Say

by Robert E. Hunter When Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, visits the Oval Office on Monday, both he and President Barack Obama have a domestic political interest in “making nice” with one another. Netanyahu has to show Israelis back home that… Continue Reading

Kumbaya (Not)

by John Feffer In his new film Taxi, Iranian director Jafar Panahi is having a conversation with his young niece. They’re sitting in the cab Panahi is driving. The Iranian government has banned the director from making films, so he’s… Continue Reading

A Bit More on Dennis Ross

by Ali Gharib By way of a brief update to my recent post on Dennis Ross’s Blame America First outlook on the rocky US-Israel relationship, I think it’s worthwhile to come up to speed on a couple of late-developing points.… Continue Reading

How the World Should Respond to the Jerusalem “Uprising”

by Emile Nakhleh The ongoing violence in Jerusalem, as evidenced in the daily stabbings of Israelis and the killings of Palestinian youth, is heart-wrenching—and, of course, it’s unsustainable. The international community, including the key Arab states, cannot remain willfully oblivious to… Continue Reading

Rubio Adviser Says Obama Feels “Entitled to Screw Israel”

by Eli Clifton On Wednesday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) will attend a Manhattan fundraiser hosted at the office of attorney Phil Rosen, a major Republican bundler and senior foreign policy advisor to the Florida senator’s presidential run. Rubio’s campaign is… Continue Reading