Obama the Anti-Semite?

by Ali Gharib There’s an odd, but not altogether surprising, line of attack developing against the Obama administration and other proponents of the Iran nuclear deal: that they are anti-Semites. How did this happen? The meme mostly owes to salvos… Continue Reading

Most Polls Suggest Americans Support the Deal, Especially Jews

by Eva Galanes-Rosenbaum Two polls released this morning have rather different takes on the Iran deal. One, from J Street, confirms last week’s LA Jewish Journal poll that American Jews broadly support the nuclear agreement, 60–40%. The other, from CNN/ORC, is an… Continue Reading

Bret Stephens Dishes Candidly about Jews, Israel, and Withdrawal

by Eli Clifton The Wall Street Journal’s “Global View” columnist Bret Stephens is a reliable advocate for U.S. military intervention in Syria/Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan and an outspoken defender of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the George W. Bush administration’s war of… Continue Reading

Deal with Iran Would Not Move Jews Toward GOP

by Eva Galanes-Rosenbaum Andrew Kohut, founding director of the Pew Research Center and director of Pew’s Global Attitudes Project, wrote a piece last week for Real Clear Politics asking, “Would Iran Deal Imperil Jews’ Loyalty to Democratic Party?” On first blush,… Continue Reading