The Ideological West Bank Settler Behind “Iranium”

This article originally appeared on AlterNet. The drama never stops unfolding around the Clarion Fund, the operation behind a string of movies dubbed “anti-Muslim” by critics. The group’s latest salvo is an hour-long documentary called “Iranium”, which more or less gives airtime to… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for October 25, 2010: Commentary: Max Boot blogs that, in light of Hamid Karzai’s acknowledgment that he receives $2 million a year from Iran, “the Iranians have attempted similar dollar diplomacy in Iraq, Lebanon,… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views relevant to U.S.-Iran relations for October 11th, 2010. The Washington Post:  In an editorial, WaPo’s Jackson Diehl writes the Obama administration’s foreign policy strategy is marked by public and highly choreographed “process” and timelines. On Iran, Diehl… Continue Reading

Wall Street Journal Writes Green Movement’s Obituary

Bret Stephens, the neoconservative foreign policy editor for the Wall Street Journal op-ed page, proclaims in his column today that “the Iranian Green Movement is dead”. The column is a revealing one, although not for the actual argument, which is… Continue Reading