And a Little Child Shall Lead Them

by Gordon Adams I am not a religious person. But as I watched the streaming of the March for Our Lives on Saturday, I was returned to my childhood reading of the Old Testament. These impressive young people were articulating… Continue Reading

McCain and American Engagement: A Dangerous Option

by Gordon Adams  John McCain has been much celebrated for his stirring Philadelphia critique of the Trump foreign policy as “half baked, spurious nationalism.” Although he is absolutely right to blister Trump’s eccentric, tweet-driven non-strategy, McCain’s alternative policy would send… Continue Reading

The Perfect DACA Storm: Time to Pocket a Win for Americans

by Gordon Adams DACA—the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program created through a 2012 executive order signed by President Obama—is dying. All the immigrant support groups say it. Donald Trump, they say, announced a wrong and cruel decision on September… Continue Reading

Trump’s Pentagon Budget Boost: Shades of Ronald Reagan

by Gordon Adams The last time a president went for a peacetime defense budget increase of the magnitude the Donald is seeking was 1981. Showing no originality, the current office-holder has even borrowed Ronald Reagan’s bumper sticker: “Peace Through Strength”!… Continue Reading