Michael Rubin’s Problem with Democracy in the Middle East

In a recent Fox News article, the American Enterprise Institute’s Michael Rubin presents an issue that will consume Middle East policy makers for decades: “Is There Really Democracy in the Middle East?” He’s apparently not interested, however, in serious analysis… Continue Reading

MEK Delisting Slap in the face for Average Iranians

By Leila Kashefi As everyone knows, since the revolution of 1979, the United States and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) have been BEFs — best enemies forever. While the US occasionally offers its solidarity to the… Continue Reading

Hawks on Iran

Lobe Log publishes Hawks on Iran every Friday. Our posts highlight militaristic commentary and confrontational policy recommendations about Iran from a variety of sources including news articles, think tanks and pundits. Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post: The neoconservative pundit attacks the Obama… Continue Reading

David Remnick: Netanyahu’s Attacks on Obama aid Neocon Strategy

The New Yorker’s David Remnick explains why Benjamin Netanyahu’s “high-handed way” of dealing with US presidents serves neoconservative strategy: …In his first term as Prime Minister, in the nineties, Netanyahu used to behave in such a high-handed way with White… Continue Reading

Red lines or deadlines?

The different language used in the latest public row between Israeli and US officials is actually quite telling. The notion of a “deadline” rejected by Hillary Clinton suggests a time frame beyond which the Iran talks are declared useless, kicking… Continue Reading