Saudi Arabia’s Quagmire

by Thomas W. Lippman Three months after Saudi Arabia rounded up a few allies and began an intensive bombing campaign against the rebels known as Houthis across the border in Yemen, a conventional wisdom has developed. “It has not worked,”… Continue Reading

CAP, “Israel-Firsters” and Iran

As many readers will know, recent weeks have seen a concerted neoconservative campaign against the Center for American Progress (CAP) and Media Matters on trumped-up charges of “anti-Semitism”. (Specific targets have included our former colleagues Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton,… Continue Reading

Meet An Islamophobia Network ‘Expert’: Steven Emerson

Reposted by arrangement with Think Progress Steven Emerson directs the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), a group dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamist infiltration in America through investigative journalism. But his career, as discussed in CAP’s new report “Fear,… Continue Reading

Anti-Muslim Blogger Pamela Geller Lashes Out At Islamophobia Report: ‘Pile Of Dung Masquerading As Research’

Reposted by arrangement with Think Progress Responding to CAP’s Islamophobia report, anti-Muslim activists David Horowitz called it “fascistic” and Robert Spencer deemed it the “agenda of the Islamic jihad.” Determined to one-up her Islamophobia network colleagues, Pamela Geller took to… Continue Reading

Center for American Progress Exposes the Islamophobia Network in America

According to a 2010 ABC News/Washington Post poll, only 37% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Islam–the lowest favorability rating since 2001. Relentless Islamophobic fear-mongering by a select group of U.S. political pundits, bloggers and think tanks is at… Continue Reading