Why Is it Specifically Muslims Who are Resisting the West?

by Graham E. Fuller Many people ask why it appears to be specifically Muslims who are in confrontation with the West today, as compared to other ethnic groups who also bear historical grievances from treatment at the hands of the… Continue Reading

Return the Focus to Islamic State Central

by Wayne White Ever since the January 7-9 attacks in France, European leaders have been preoccupied with domestic security and not the challenge of the Islamic State (ISIS or IS) itself. However, driving their security problems is the core IS… Continue Reading

Europe: The End of Normality

by Lieven De Cauter The events in France (Charlie Hebdo and other attacks) and Belgium (a raid in Verviers that prevented a similar terrorist attack) mean the end of normality for Europe and the beginning of a long state of emergency. The… Continue Reading

Netanyahu Playing Politics with Paris Attacks

by Marsha B. Cohen Not only was Benjamin Netanyahu an uninvited guest in the arm-and-arm chain of leaders positioning themselves in front of the 3 million plus Parisians taking to the streets this weekend in anti-terror demonstrations. The Israeli Prime… Continue Reading