Trump and the Evangelicals Define Support for Israel

by Yousef Munayyer President Donald Trump’s rhetoric and messaging about Israel are aimed at a very specific audience, one that he has cultivated since his presidential campaign: his base of white Evangelical Christians. Trump’s positions come at a time of… Continue Reading

Trump is Doubling Down on Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but Congress Won’t Give Up

By Erica Fein President Trump has vetoed five bills this year. Four of them have dealt with U.S. support for the Saudi and Emirati (UAE) monarchies and their role in the now four-year-old brutal war and humanitarian nightmare in Yemen.… Continue Reading

As the Far Right Goes Global, So Do Anti-BDS Bills

by Rachel Hodes Israeli politics have moved into uncharted territory over the past several months, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu found himself unable to form a coalition large enough to claim victory in last spring’s elections. However, even as the Israeli state… Continue Reading