Congress’ DIY Approach to Saudi Arabia

by Diana Ohlbaum If there were a “basket of deplorables” for foreign countries, Saudi Arabia would surely be in it. The Saudi government holds one of the world’s worst records on religious freedom and women’s rights, and harbors one of… Continue Reading

Time to Retire the Nuclear Football

by Diana Ohlbaum Speculation about whether Donald Trump can be trusted with his finger on the nuclear “button”, should he be elected president, is a reminder that the world’s survival rests on a hair trigger. Contrary to popular belief, there… Continue Reading

Countering Violent Extremism: Palliative or Cure?

by Diana Ohlbaum As violence continues to escalate across the Middle East, one thing ought to be clear: the problem of terrorism cannot be solved militarily. It’s not just peaceniks who say this. Retired General James Conway and Retired Admiral… Continue Reading

Now Comes the Hard Part on Iran

by Diana Ohlbaum The painful spectacle of congressional disapproval of the Iran nuclear deal, followed by a presidential veto and an override vote, has been averted. It’s a big win for the White House, whose skillful political work—aided by a… Continue Reading