The Threat of Bolton Has Receded–But Not the Threat of War

by John Feffer John Bolton tried his best. The national security adviser entered the Trump administration as a predictable warmonger with an unslakable thirst for power. He streamlined the national security apparatus to maximize his access to the president. At… Continue Reading

To End the War in Yemen, Saudi Arabia Must Put Aside Hubris and Revive Tribal Patronage

by Nicolas Dunais  Martin Griffiths, the UN special envoy for Yemen, recently published an op-ed in the New York Times, rightfully calling for an end to the Yemen war before it expands into a broader regional conflagration. The guidelines he… Continue Reading

Normalizing Domestic Oppression

by Alessandro Regio This year’s Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Bishkek, Turkmenistan, was a reaffirmation that the organization has come a long way from its relatively humble beginnings in the mid-1990’s. Iran came closer to joining the bloc, while Russia… Continue Reading

Russia Exploits the Saudi-UAE Divergence

by Samuel Ramani In mid-October, Russian President Vladimir Putin will make his first visit to Saudi Arabia since 2007. Putin’s trip underscores Russia’s emergence as a major geopolitical stakeholder on the Arabian Peninsula and gives Moscow an opportunity to cement… Continue Reading