Buttering Up the Pentagon

by Danny Sjursen Think of it as the chicken-or-the-egg question for the ages: Do very real threats to the United States inadvertently benefit the military-industrial complex or does the national security state, by its very nature, conjure up inflated threats… Continue Reading

The Rohingya, R2P, and Civilian Protection

by Corrie Hulse Imagine being forced to flee your home because the military is attacking and killing your neighbors, burning down your village, and raping and abducting your wife and children. You want to turn to your government for help,… Continue Reading

Jordan Threads the Needle Between Moscow and Washington

by Shehab Al-Makahleh and Maria Al-Makahleh King Abdullah II of Jordan visited Moscow on February 15 to talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin and senior Russian officials as well as clergymen. Jordan feels isolated because of the Jerusalem issue and… Continue Reading