The Annexation of Palestine Could Be Closer Than You Think

by Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man Senior Israeli government minister Naftali Bennett announced on Sunday that he will introduce legislation to effectively annex Israel’s third-largest settlement in the West Bank, Ma’ale Adumim, by the end of January. It is safe to assume, that… Continue Reading

What Kerry Did

by James J. Zogby Secretary of State John Kerry’s valedictory speech on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict unleashed a firestorm of criticism from the very same folks who had just finished hyperventilating over the US abstention on a Security Council resolution a… Continue Reading

Will the Syria Ceasefire Last?

by Rajan Menon While there are no precise numbers, the carnage in Syria may have consumed as many as 470 thousand lives and forced some 4.8 million Syrians to flee, mainly to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. So the news that the… Continue Reading