North Korea Is a Total Nightmare—That South Korea Shouldn’t Fear

by Rajan Menon Those who have talked recently with South Korean foreign-policy and national-security experts will have noticed that they are quite apprehensive. There are at least three explanations for this. The ongoing political controversy around President Park Geun-hye is… Continue Reading

Erdogan: Democracy Respecter?

by Derek Davison Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, had some harsh words on Wednesday for Americans who are criticizing their new president-elect, Donald Trump: “The West will continue to welcome tyrants who have blood on their hands with… Continue Reading

Obama, Trump, and the Future of U.S. Foreign Policy

by Edward Hunt Amid all the uncertainty about what a Trump presidency means for the future role of the United States in the world, one possibility is that Trump will embrace some variant of the policies that have been pursued… Continue Reading

Trump and the Iran Deal: A view from Israel

by Shemuel Meir For many the combination of the words “Donald Trump” and “nuclear weapons” is the stuff of nightmares. “If we have nuclear weapons — why don’t we use it?” asked Trump during his presidential campaign. In his view nuclear… Continue Reading