Campus Battle Heats Up Over BDS

by Naomi Dann On April 14, the Doctoral Students Council (DSC) at the City University of New York Graduate Center passed a resolution endorsing the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. Citing Israeli-imposed barriers to Palestinians’ right to education, the complicity… Continue Reading

Netanyahu’s Stereotyping

by Paul R. Pillar Benjamin Netanyahu’s bit of revisionist history about the origins of the Holocaust certainly deserves the outraged response it got this week. One wonders why he chose to push this line given the well-established and easily cited… Continue Reading

Jerusalem of Tarnished Gold

by Mitchell Plitnick Take a particularly provocative and grandstanding Israeli government and shift its focus from Hamas and Gaza to Jerusalem and you have a most explosive recipe. That potion is being stirred now, and the results could shake up the… Continue Reading

The Palestinian Refugee Issue is Not Going to Resolve Itself

by Mitchell Plitnick When I started getting serious about action on the Israel-Palestine conflict and the associated US foreign policy, I found it imperative to convince people that the Oslo Accords were doomed to fail. There were the obvious critiques of… Continue Reading