A Curate’s Egg (Good in Parts)

by Peter Jenkins Last week, while visiting Israel and Jordan, President Barak Obama publicly emphasised that there is still time to resolve the nuclear dispute without resorting to force and that this is his preference. For peaceniks everywhere, those were… Continue Reading

NIAC Report Reveals Disconnect Between Iran Sanctions’ Goals and Results

by Farideh Farhi Others have written about the gist of a new report by the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) on the impact of sanctions (here, here and here), so I am not going to provide a summary. But some points are worth reiterating.… Continue Reading

Q&A on the Iranian Nuclear Crisis with Yousaf Butt

by Jasmin Ramsey It’s not unusual for evidence supposedly indicating an Iranian nuclear weapons program to be leaked to the press, but how credible is that evidence and how should the press be handling it? For example, late last year,… Continue Reading

Maybe Christiane Amanpour should host the next round of Iran Nuclear Talks

Mohammad Javad Larijani, a top adviser to Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, seems like a reasonable fellow with respect to Iran’s nuclear stance in this March 12th interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. On the West’s issue with Iranian enrichment of uranium… Continue Reading

A Strange Way to Build Trust

by Peter Jenkins Divining the Obama administration’s foreign policy intentions can be intellectually challenging. At the beginning of February the US Vice President appeared to be offering Iran an opportunity to enter into bilateral talks on the nuclear dispute. Three… Continue Reading