The Secret to Winning the Nobel Peace Prize

by Rebecca Gordon This year’s Nobel Peace Prize went to Tunisia’s National Dialogue Quartet “for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy… in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011.” The Quartet is a group of… Continue Reading

Netanyahu Loses an Important Canadian Ally

by Jim Lobe Coming up soon in LobeLog, an actual Canadian will analyze the implications for Canada’s Middle East policy of Monday’s victory of the Liberal Party’s Justin Trudeau over Prime Minister Stephen Harper in the parliamentary elections. For now,… Continue Reading

Has Erdogan Shattered The Myth of Turkish Exceptionalism?

by Shireen Hunter Only a few short years ago, Turkey was still touted as an exception in the Muslim World. Turkey was the country that had successfully managed to blend and synthesize Islam, democracy, modernity, and Turkey’s own traditions. The… Continue Reading