Understanding Iran’s Negotiating Style

by Dina Esfandiary Iranians negotiate like they’re in the bazaar. Westerners negotiate like they’re shopping at Macy’s. These negotiating styles could not be more different, making it difficult to get an actual result. But the West needs to decide whether… Continue Reading

Iran Seeks Reciprocity in Nuclear Negotiations

by Mohammad Ali Shabani Iran and the P5+1 — the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany — are set to resume nuclear talks in Kazakhstan on 26 February, but little appears to have changed since their… Continue Reading

Khamenei’s Mounting Pressures

by Alireza Nader Negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program are set to re-start in February, but Iran’s previous foot dragging in agreeing to a time and venue for the negotiations has been vexing for U.S. and allied diplomats. Iranian behavior… Continue Reading