The Smile on the Face of the Tiger

by James Spencer It seems that there has been a rapidly building expression of international disquiet about the relationship between the ideology of Salafi Jihadism and Wahhabism, the state religion of Saudi Arabia (and—less well-known—of Qatar.) As Gideon Rachman recently… Continue Reading

A Reformation Dialogue This Ramadan

by James Spencer Recently, the UK’s youngest suicide bomber died in Iraq, and a British convert to Islam was killed fighting for al-Shabaab against the Kenyan Army. At much the same time, President Obama has confessed that the US still doesn’t have a complete… Continue Reading

On Legitimacy and Legality in Yemen

by James Spencer Some hard-bitten fathers have been known to advise their youthful offspring that whenever someone prefaces their remarks with “To be honest,” they are about to lie through their teeth. The same might be applied to politicians who… Continue Reading