Clarion Fund: WikiLeaks Shows Iran is “threat to stability of the entire Middle East”

The Clarion Fund–a group whose ties to prominent neoconservatives and Aish HaTorah we have written about recently–just sent out an email promoting their latest film, Iranium, and suggests that the WikiLeaks cables prove Iran is a destabilizing influence on the… Continue Reading

Clarion Fund Discloses Hawkish “Advisory Board” Before Launch of Iran Documentary

Salon’s Justin Elliott has new evidence indicating who funded the Clarion Fund’s 2008 distribution of 28-million DVDs of the Islamophobic documentary, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. Starting in 2008, we began writing about the films produced and distributed by… Continue Reading

Right Wing “Slush Fund” Behind 2008 Islamophobia Campaign

Pam Martens, writing in Counter Punch, has the scoop on the donor advised fund which provided funding for the distribution of 28-million DVDs of “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” before the 2008 presidential election. We wrote about this… Continue Reading

Clarion’s Latest Film Unveiled!

The producers of Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West and The Third Jihad: Radical Islam’s Vision for America have been murmuring in recent weeks about an upcoming film which, according to their press release, will, “document the development of… Continue Reading