Romney Misrepresents Obama’s Iran Record, Calls For ‘Credible Military Threat’ That Already Exists

Reposted by arrangement with Think Progress In an interview with Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney attacked President Obama’s foreign policy record. Obama’s “failures internationally will have perhaps even longer- lasting implications for America and the… Continue Reading

Ron Paul Feeds Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory That Government Could Turn U.S. Into A Concentration Camp

Reposted by arrangement with Think Progress While last night’s Republican debate offered few surprises as the primary field wrapped themselves in the legacy of Ronald Reagan and roundly denounced the Obama administration’s fiscal, foreign, and social policies, Ron Paul stood… Continue Reading

Perry, Like Bush In 2000, Promises No ‘Military Adventurism’

Reposted by arrangement with Think Progress Texas Governor and GOP presidential hopeful Rick Perry finally laid out his foreign policy platform and, in doing so, attempted to set himself apart from both the neoconservative foreign policy of George W. Bush… Continue Reading

Matthew Duss on Iran and the Martyr State Myth

In “The martyr state myth” Matthew Duss of the Center for American Progress deconstructs alarmist and unsubstantiated arguments about the Iranian government’s alleged suicidal tendencies: In the Republican presidential primary debate in Ames, Iowa two weeks ago, Congressman Ron Paul… Continue Reading