A Poison Pill for AIPAC

by Mitchell Plitnick Today, I’m asking my readers to please support the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The group has been working hard on some new legislation and it’s really important to help get this bill to the floor of the… Continue Reading

How to End the Gaza War

by Emile Nakhleh As the killing and destruction rages on in Gaza, and as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Hamas leadership exchange recriminations and threats, key regional and world players must accept a central truism: No peace can… Continue Reading

Is Hamas Winning?

by Mitchell Plitnick When Israel, or any country, engages in armed conflict with a guerrilla group, even if that group controls significant territory and resources, it is a virtual truism that the longer the fighting persists, the greater the gains… Continue Reading

A Tale of Two Ceasefires

by Mitchell Plitnick The two ceasefire proposals aimed at ending the accelerated violence in Gaza and Israel also offer one of the best illustrations of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The circumstances and the content of each proposal demonstrates very well why… Continue Reading

A Desperate Cry for Help from Abbas

by Mitchell Plitnick As President Barack Obama’s first trip to Israel approaches, one senses desperation from the Ramallah headquarters of the Palestinian Authority. Obama’s scheduled stop in the West Bank has all the trappings of an empty gesture masking the real goal… Continue Reading