US-led Iran sanctions can harm/alienate upper and middle-income Iranians

Virginia tech economist and Lobe Log contributor Djavad Salehi-Isfahani adds to the growing list of reasons why the Obama administration’s Iran sanctions policy is counterproductive in Foreign Policy Magazine: Despite everything, Iran seems to be weathering the storm better than advertised. Sanctions… Continue Reading

Mondoweiss Updates Rothkopf Story With Revealing Detail

Some of you may have read the story I wrote earlier this week for IPS entitled “Anti-Iran Hawks Maintain P.R. Offensive” in which I cited David Rothkopf’s totally bizarre story posted on about a possible joint U.S.-Israeli attack on… Continue Reading

Fact-Checking the Fact Checkers: Romney’s Foreign Policy Speech

With the widely touted shift in the public opinion polls after the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney is no longer an underdog. That being the case, his pronouncements are attracting some well-deserved scrutiny from mainstream media sources. Romney’s major foreign… Continue Reading

Romney Assails Obama’s “Passivity” in Foreign Policy, Middle East

via IPS News In what was billed as a major foreign policy address, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney Monday assailed Barack Obama for “passivity” in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy, arguing that it was “time to change course” in… Continue Reading