Clarion Fund: WikiLeaks Shows Iran is “threat to stability of the entire Middle East”

The Clarion Fund–a group whose ties to prominent neoconservatives and Aish HaTorah we have written about recently–just sent out an email promoting their latest film, Iranium, and suggests that the WikiLeaks cables prove Iran is a destabilizing influence on the… Continue Reading

Notes from Freeman on WikiLeaks, Arab Leaders and Iran

Earlier this week, Ambassador Chas W. Freeman offered some invaluable insights on WikiLeaks, which Jim Lobe and I wrote about in this IPS piece and I shared here.  I thought I’d take another chance to empty my notebook of more of… Continue Reading

Hawks Portray Iran as Sole Concern of Arab Leaders

Jim Lobe and I have a piece on the IPS wire that looks closely at reactions to the belligerent talk of some Arab leaders about Iran found in WikiLeaks’ CableGate stash. The notion that Iran occupies the sole spot of concern for… Continue Reading

Lieberman draws up Israeli ‘day after’ plan for Iran

We’ve written about the hypothesis that all the fuss about Israel attacking Iran’s nuclear program is a means to encourage the United States to undertake such an attack in Israel’s stead. Jennifer Rubin of Commentary has implicitly made this argument, noting… Continue Reading