North Korea and the United States: War, Peace or the Third Option?

by John Feffer The rhetoric has been intemperate to say the least. President Trump has called the leader of North Korea “little rocket man.” In his recent speech before the National Assembly in Seoul, Trump called North Korea a “prison… Continue Reading

Saudi Prince Mohammed’s Achilles Heel

by James M. Dorsey Emboldened by perceived White House support, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman appears to have stepped up his risky, so far faltering effort to counter Iranian influence in the Middle East. The kingdom, despite Prime Minister Saad… Continue Reading

No Institution Is Safe from the Corrupting Power of Occupation

by Noam Sheizaf Between the years 2013 and 2016, Israeli anti-occupation group Yesh Din tracked the police’s response to 289 cases of “ideological crimes” against Palestinians in the West Bank. In each of those cases, the Palestinians filed a complaint with the police;… Continue Reading

War in the Middle East—Again?

by Robert E. Hunter About this time 15 years ago, the United States was gearing up for a war against Iraq. Saddam Hussein was purported to have weapons of mass destruction. There was no doubt about his aggressive intentions toward… Continue Reading