Not Breaking News: Trump Administration Does Not Believe in Occupation

by Lara Friedman Starting from virtually the moment President Trump took office in January 2017, he and his Middle East team began implementing a far-reaching transformation of U.S. policy vis-à-vis Israel and the Palestinians. Their intention: to erase the very… Continue Reading

China and the Battle over Human Rights

by James M. Dorsey China is leading the charge in a bid to undermine accepted concepts of human rights accountability and justice. The Chinese effort backed by autocrats elsewhere has turned human rights into an underrated, yet crucial battleground in… Continue Reading

Syrian return: A Matter of Politics or Humanitarianism?

by Roshan De Stone and David Suber Under international law, refugees with a well-founded fear of persecution in their country of origin cannot be forcibly repatriated. The rights-based language used around return usually frames the issue as a humanitarian one; often… Continue Reading