Yariba, Uribe! “Plan Colombia” for Gaza report?

It’s quite obvious why Israelis would be pleased with the choice of outgoing Colombian President Alvaro Uribe as Vice Chair of the UN panel appointed by Ban Ki-Moon to investigate Israel’s interception of the Gaza flotilla on May 31. What’s in it for the Turks? Continue Reading

Blinded in Gaza: The “Liberal” Media’s Seeing Eye Dogma

The barks of pro-Israel media “watchdog” groups like CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America), The Israel Project , and the meretriciously monikered website HonestReporting have echoed the Israeli government’s talking points about the Israeli navy’s attack on half a dozen civilian ships bringing aid to Gaza, in defiance of an Israeli blockade.

But if you’ve been looking to the so-called “liberal” media for more balanced coverage of the events as they’ve unfolded in the international waters off the Gaza coast, you’ve probably gotten thef yip-yap of a pro-Israel poodle. Continue Reading

On Brothers and Keepers: a Missing Link?

On May 6, just before dawn, Ameer Makhoul was arrested. Initial reports state that the Haifa home of the director of Ittijah, a network of NGOs and grassroots organizations representing the interests of Arab citizens of Israel, was invaded by 16 Israeli security agents police officers…On May 7, the IAEA released the preliminary agenda for its June 2010 meeting, and for the very first time, Israel’s nuclear program is slated to be scrutinized as never before.

So? Continue Reading

From the “Axis of Evil” to the “Age of Nefarious”

(Remember the 60s rock-musical Hair? Here’s a 21st century parody of its hit song “The Age of Aquarius.”)
The health care bill has finally passed.
Rays of hope for the economy.
“Too big too fail” may be too big to fight.
So let’s turn to foreign policy!
This is the dawning of the Age of Nefarious.
The Age of Nefarious.
Ne-fa-rious! Continue Reading

Obama, Nuclear Proliferation and the Politics of Mistranslation

The right wing blogosphere is buzzing with rumors (denied by the White House, according to Ben Smith of Politico) that the Obama administration has refused visas to employees of the Nuclear Research Center-Negev (NRCN) in Dimona, Israel. Roger Simon, blogging at Pajamas Media, claims to be quoting an article published in the Israeli daily Maariv…Nestled in Simon’s (or an uncredited source’s) “exclusive Pajamas Media translation” is the revelation that the English version Simon is quoting “is from a Google translation that I’ve tried to fix up a little bit.” A little bit? Let’s play “Simon Says” and compare his (or his source’s) efforts to what Maariv writer Uri Binder actually wrote. Continue Reading