European Integration is in America’s Interests; Brexit Isn’t

by Paul R. Pillar One of several specters hanging over this week’s G-7 meeting is the prospect that in a little more than two months the United Kingdom will crash out of the European Union. Such a “no-deal Brexit” will… Continue Reading

Trump’s Anti-Semitism Spawns Dangerous Reactions

by Mitchell Plitnick When Donald Trump declared that 70-80% of the U.S. Jewish community (the percentage that is voting Democrat these days) suffered from “a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” it set off a firestorm of objections from… Continue Reading

NPR Has a Blob Problem

by Ben Armbruster The Iraq war, endless conflict, and a ridiculously out-of-control Pentagon budget: They’re all products of the bipartisan, cross-ideological consensus in Washington—i.e. “the Blob”—that promotes military primacy as the key tenet of U.S. foreign policy. It might seem… Continue Reading