Camp David, Dayton, Lausanne

by Thomas W. Lippman In the past four decades, the greatest achievements of American diplomacy were probably the Camp David Accords and the Dayton Agreement. Camp David led to the end of the perpetual state of war between Israel and… Continue Reading

Who Is Bankrolling Mark Kirk?

by Eli Clifton As many readers of this blog may know, the Sunday New York Times published a front-page, must-read article (“GOP’s Israel Support Deepens as Political Contributions Shift”) about the ever-tightening relationship between billionaire donors, like Sheldon Adelson and… Continue Reading

Samore Goes To Bat For The Framework Agreement

by Eli Clifton Say what you will about pressure group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), from their connections to Iran-conflict profiteering to allegations of ties to intelligence agencies, they leave a path of unanswered questions about their motivations, funding, and… Continue Reading