Washington Misses Bigger Picture of New Chinese Bank

by Jim Lobe Bibi Netanyahu’s election, persistent violence through much of the Middle East and North Africa, and intensified efforts to forge a nuclear deal between the P5+1 and Iran topped the news here in Washington this week. But a… Continue Reading

The 47 Republican Ronin Take on Iran

by John Feffer In traditional Japanese culture, a samurai without a master is known as a ronin. The most popular tale featuring these leaderless samurai is the 18th-century Chusingura. It tells of a feudal lord who must commit ritual suicide… Continue Reading

Too Clever by Half: Netanyahu Strengthens Obama’s Hand

by Robert E. Hunter When the British say that someone is “too clever by half,” they are not paying a compliment. This week, that expression can be applied to the thrice-and-future prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. He will almost… Continue Reading

Some Good Reads on the Israeli Election

by Jim Lobe There’s been a lot of useful commentary on Tuesday’s election in Israel, including by Paul Pillar and Mitchell Plitnick on this site. I certainly agree with both analysts that Netanyahu’s victory represents a clarifying moment for those… Continue Reading