State Dept. Hypocrisy on Iran’s Fuel Row With Afghanistan

This is pretty rich. Iran, a country under economic sanctions by international bodies, the West, and, particularly, the U.S., has reportedly been stymying gas trucks crossing its border into war-ravaged Afghanistan. That country, of course, is consumed at the moment… Continue Reading

Cobban: Iran’s Allies in Lebanon Play Regime Change, too

Helena Cobban, steeped in years of experience reporting from and writing about the Middle East, has a thought-provoking theory on the sudden break-up of the coalition in Lebanon: My sense from afar is that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his friends… Continue Reading

The Daily Talking Points

News and views on U.S.-Iran relations for January 12: Tablet Magazine: Hudson Institute Visiting Fellow Lee Smith writes, “Arabs are not winning an information war against Israel, nor anything else for that matter. Rather, the stories and lies they tell… Continue Reading